I feel like I've been all over the place, lately. It's definitely been a couple of weeks where I feel like I'm always doing something, but at the end of the day, have very little to show for it. On a good note: I
finally reopened my Etsy shop!
Pocketwatchwardrobe. I opened it 3? years ago, and it shows. I need to redesign the banner and I don't know how I feel about the name :/. But, its up! All the pictures are snapped and the measurements are taken. Now....I'm reminded of the things I need to clean and mend in order to get them in the shop.....
Thheeeeennn, there's the
Fall for Cotton challenge. I'm pretty sure I have my project all picked out, and I know we're already supposed to be in the process of making it...but I get to thinking, and browsing. I think "if I make a spring/summer dress, I won't be able to wear it until next year and all I do is sew dresses, ishouldreallychallengemyselfandmakeseparatesbutidon'tmakeseparatesforareasonbeacausetheyneverfit...."and i feel somewhat intimidated by all the other lovely projects out there.
And there's the garden, with all the wonderful produce that has to be used up by us before it goes bad...lots of pickles and salsa and marinara, etc in our future.

To top it all off, the Man had to get a tooth pulled! And by doctor's orders: lots of ice cream, pudding and foot rubs...I asked if they had an open chair so that I could get a tooth pulled.
I hope I'm not the only one who feels like I do so much work, but turn around and have nothing to show for it. I tend to get overwhelmed by my To-Do list, and kind of just sit in a corner and rock back and forth.....