Tuesday, September 17, 2013

BOOK IT! (do I still get my own personal pizza??)

I know there are many out there like me who identify as a '90s kid. One of the cornerstones of my youth was the BOOK IT! program. Those star stickers.....those lovely, coveted stars. I needed them. I was obsessive, like a serial killer needing to complete my collection, like a junky needing to get the fix, the crack that was Pizza Hut's Personal Pan pizza. (I was a morbid child, with friends who were equally as morbid.) And who was my dealer?? Scholastic.
That bus rolled into town, and I was like moth to the flame. I was brainwashed. I needed all of these books. "MOOOOMMMMMM!!! But if I get 10 books I get a puppy poster!!!!" The smell of the newpaper-like magazines of all the new offerings, the rough pages between my finger tips. And Pizza Hut was there to be sure that I actually read these books.

The addiction has continued into adulthood, though, the consumption has waned (of both books and personal pan pizzas). And I am sad about that (mainly the book part, but small bit about the pizza). There is something just so....comforting about reading a book. I've decided to take a stance, and make a reading list. 100 Books to Read Before I Die. I've done some "research" on this and looked over many, many reading lists. Some speak to me more than others....if the The Great Gatsby was the #1 book, I immediately cast judgment on the rest of the list. (It's my list, and I can be judgmental about these things). I also want to stick to more modern books, from the 19th c. (haha modern). - present.

So far, I have 39 books (in no particular order):

Monday, September 16, 2013

My Music Monday

When the Man and I were on our adventure down south this summer, we were introduced to the sound that is Hillbilly Casino. We stumbled upon them at the Blues City Bar in Memphis, TN. They had amazing stage presence, a great sound, and all around fun guys. After the show, the Man went to purchase a shirt and in the process 'stole' some pomade from the lead singer Nick Roulette. I wish I had a picture of the two of them combing their pompadours!

They invited us to hang out with them for the rest of the night around the corner at a quiet little bar.  It didn't take long to realize how much we all had in common, and that next month they were playing in Racine! Literally, the next town over from us. Quickly, 4 a.m. came upon us, and we unwillingly had to peel ourselves away. We had to check out of our hotel room by 11 a.m. and still had to go to Graceland and drive hours north!!

The video is from their show in Racine. It was a blast, with ample opportunity for the Man and I to dance! They played last night up in Milwaukee, and I was pretty bummed that we couldn't make it.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My Side Work

Just recently, I decided to turn one of my hobbies into a somewhat "professional" side job. In this decision (read: talking myself into it and getting over the fear of it), I felt that it was something to make a little money and, more importantly, a way to hone my skill. I specialize in pencil (graphite) portraits. I find myself fascinated by drawing the little details. I LOVE drawing ears, and I LOVE how the eyes really breathe life into the portrait. So, I've been a little busy. Surprisingly so. And, for the most part, it's all been word of mouth. I do a portrait for one person, then someone sees that portrait and contacts me. It's been pretty steady :)

Look at that messy mirror :/ It was a hot day and I felt that I was having a unusually good hair day. I HAD to document it.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


I feel like I've been all over the place, lately. It's definitely been a couple of weeks where I feel like I'm always doing something, but at the end of the day, have very little to show for it. On a good note: I finally reopened my Etsy shop! Pocketwatchwardrobe. I opened it 3? years ago, and it shows. I need to redesign the banner and I don't know how I feel about the name :/. But, its up! All the pictures are snapped and the measurements are taken. Now....I'm reminded of the things I need to clean and mend in order to get them in the shop.....

Thheeeeennn, there's the Fall for Cotton challenge. I'm pretty sure I have my project all picked out, and I know we're already supposed to be in the process of making it...but I get to thinking, and browsing. I think "if I make a spring/summer dress, I won't be able to wear it until next year and all I do is sew dresses, ishouldreallychallengemyselfandmakeseparatesbutidon'tmakeseparatesforareasonbeacausetheyneverfit...."and i feel somewhat intimidated by all the other lovely projects out there.

And there's the garden, with all the wonderful produce that has to be used up by us before it goes bad...lots of pickles and salsa and marinara, etc in our future.

To top it all off, the Man had to get a tooth pulled! And by doctor's orders: lots of ice cream, pudding and foot rubs...I asked if they had an open chair so that I could get a tooth pulled.

I hope I'm not the only one who feels like I do so much work, but turn around and have nothing to show for it. I tend to get overwhelmed by my To-Do list, and kind of just sit in a corner and rock back and forth.....