Tuesday, September 17, 2013

BOOK IT! (do I still get my own personal pizza??)

I know there are many out there like me who identify as a '90s kid. One of the cornerstones of my youth was the BOOK IT! program. Those star stickers.....those lovely, coveted stars. I needed them. I was obsessive, like a serial killer needing to complete my collection, like a junky needing to get the fix, the crack that was Pizza Hut's Personal Pan pizza. (I was a morbid child, with friends who were equally as morbid.) And who was my dealer?? Scholastic.
That bus rolled into town, and I was like moth to the flame. I was brainwashed. I needed all of these books. "MOOOOMMMMMM!!! But if I get 10 books I get a puppy poster!!!!" The smell of the newpaper-like magazines of all the new offerings, the rough pages between my finger tips. And Pizza Hut was there to be sure that I actually read these books.

The addiction has continued into adulthood, though, the consumption has waned (of both books and personal pan pizzas). And I am sad about that (mainly the book part, but small bit about the pizza). There is something just so....comforting about reading a book. I've decided to take a stance, and make a reading list. 100 Books to Read Before I Die. I've done some "research" on this and looked over many, many reading lists. Some speak to me more than others....if the The Great Gatsby was the #1 book, I immediately cast judgment on the rest of the list. (It's my list, and I can be judgmental about these things). I also want to stick to more modern books, from the 19th c. (haha modern). - present.

So far, I have 39 books (in no particular order):

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